Don't miss our shop when you pass through Ketchikan, Alaska! We’re located at #13 Creek Street. Fish Creek Company offers a unique shopping experience with a large selection of Made In Alaska Gifts and Alaskan Artwork. Fish Creek Company is a locally owned and operated Alaska Gift Shop. We are located on a salmon spawning creek located near the Cape Fox Funicular on Historic Ketchikan Creek in the heart of the Tongass National Forest. Creek Street offers some of the best and most unique scenery and shopping in Southeast Alaska. Browse our website for Alaska Online Shopping.
Gift Ideas
Mammoth Pendant
Ivory Bear Pendant
Sold out
Mammoth Ivory Petal Pendant
Infinity Pendant
from $68.00
Mammoth Ivory Essentials Pendant
from $88.00
Bead & Gold Pendant
Circle Pendant
Mammoth Ivory Teardrop Pendant
from $89.00